5 Theology Books from the Global Church

Chosen by Geethanjali Tupps, CT Global books editor.

Reading the Gospel of John through Palestinian Eyes

Yohanna Katanacho

Palestinian theologian Yohanna Katanacho describes Jesus as “shaped by first-century Judaism” but also as one who “redefined” much of what it meant to be Jewish. Katanacho’s commentary on John unpacks the implications of Jesus inhabiting this identity when it comes to understanding the Israeli-Palestinian crisis and the salvation of the world.

African Hermeneutics

Elizabeth Mburu

Kenyan New Testament scholar Elizabeth Mburu encourages African Christians and those ministering in an African context to explore Hebrew poetic parallelism and Paul’s letters through symbols rooted in her culture. She imagines four legs of a stool as the foundations for biblical interpretation: a text’s parallels to the African context, its theological context, its literary context, and its historical and cultural context.

The Wayfarer : Perspectives on Forced Migration and Transformational Community Development

Barnabé Anzuruni Msabah

A refugee himself, Barnabé Anzuruni Msabah believes that forced migration is a central theme of Scripture. He’s interested in how it has tested and refined people’s faith and how Jesus models for his followers how to care for the marginalized. His descriptions of the current struggles of refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi remind readers of the urgency of his message.

Enabling Hearts: A Primer for Disability-Inclusive Churches

Edited by Leow Wen Pin

Singaporean Christian disability activist Leow Wen Pin edits this anthology of essays that challenge churches to consider whether their physical spaces, legal policies, and language from the pulpit truly welcome …

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